1 (868) 250-4907


The University of the West Indies St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago

About: EAF4SG

A FAO-GEF Funded Project

Who we are


Enhancing capacity for the adoption and implementation of Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries of the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (EAF4SG).

The objective of the four year EAF4SG project, with Global Environment Facility (GEF) Trust Fund financing of US$1,776,484.00 is to advance adoption and implementation of the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) in the shrimp and groundfish fisheries in the North Brazil Shelf Large Marine Ecosystem (NBSLME), supporting implementation of the CLME+ Strategic Action Programme (SAP), specifically Strategy 6 on the development and implementation of EAF for the NBSLME shared shrimp and groundfish resources. 

The participating countries are Guyana, Suriname, and Trinidad and Tobago, which are all highly dependent on the NBSLME shrimp and groundfish resources, some of which are shared, for their socio-economic development. However, many of the shrimp and groundfish stocks have been overfished, some to the point of collapse. These fisheries also threaten marine biodiversity and critical habitats through the incidental catch of non-target organisms and damage to benthic habitats.

The major barriers to wider adoption and implementation of  EAF management in these fisheries that the project seeks to address are:

lack of adequate data

Lack of adequate data and information for EAF at national and sub-regional levels;

weak governance and management

Weak governance and management nationally and sub-regionally;

weak incentives

Weak incentives to support behavioural change towards adoption of EAF management in small-scale fisheries; and

lack of knowledge

Lack of knowledge and poor availability of information on EAF.

The Project's  Implementing Agency

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) will be the project’s implementing agency and it will be executed by the University of the West Indies (UWI), Faculty of Food and Agriculture (FFA). The fisheries authorities in the three participating countries will act as the national executing partners and focal points for national level activities, in close collaboration with the national fisherfolk organisations as well as other fisheries-related stakeholders. At the sub-regional level, the project will work in close collaboration and coordination with regional fishery bodies, including Western Central Atlantic Fishery Commission (WECAFC) and Caribbean Regional Fisheries Mechanism (CRFM), to advance the development and adoption of harmonized management measures for the shared shrimp and groundfish resources of the NBSLME.

What we Do
The project consists of  four components and six outcomes:
Component 1 Enhancing or developing national and sub-regional EAF-based fisheries management information systems, supporting countries implementation of CLME+ SAP priorities.

Component 1

Outcome 1.1

Improved national and sub-regional data and data management systems supporting EAF fisheries management.

Component 2

Outcome 2.1

Strengthened stakeholder engagement in national decision-making for EAF fisheries management.

Component 2

Outcome 2.2

Improved EAF management planning and implementation for shared resource management of shrimp and groundfish at national and sub-regional levels

Component 2

Outcome 2.3

Strengthened national legal and regulatory frameworks for EAF-focused fisheries management.


Meet Our Team

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William Melanson

Chief Financier

William has built a reputation as a business innovator. He follows all the novelties and uses innovative tools.

Dreama Leos

Risk Manager

Dreama is a Risk manager who uses her knowledge and skills to help clients to overcome crisis.

Roberto Johnson

Legal Officer

When it comes to legal questions, we all call for Roberto. His experience and skills are extremely valuable and helpful.

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© 2019 Faculty of Food and Agriculture, The University of the West Indies St. Augustine Campus, Trinidad & Tobago, W.I.